Apr 2, 2024 | Before the Accident, Funnies, Lessons Learned, Misc, Professional, Sex + Dating, Spinal Cord Injury, Uncategorized
I’m excited to share an episode of Hustle + Gather, “Going Beyond Your Limits.” I had the distinct pleasure to be a host on Courtney and Dana’s podcast live where we get raw and real about life. We chat about the good, the bad, and the ugly...
Oct 14, 2021 | Advocacy, Before the Accident, Family, Funnies, Lessons Learned, Medical, Misc, Sex + Dating, Spinal Cord Injury, Uncategorized
I was the guest on a super cool podcast with the most amazing gentleman named Kevin Lowe. Kevin has an incredible story in his own right and he certainly makes the most of life with his incredibly quirky, and hilarious sense of humor. Kevin too, shares a disability...