Jan 5, 2019 | Before the Accident, Family, Lessons Learned, Misc, Spinal Cord Injury, Uncategorized
First off, Happy New Year to you! Coming into the New Year I thought it only fitting to discuss the concept of perspective. I was asked by a fellow reader if I could touch upon the topic of how my mental perspective has changed over the last eight...
Dec 13, 2018 | Before the Accident, Lessons Learned, Misc, Sex + Dating, Spinal Cord Injury
Last week I was on one of my spinal cord injury Facebook groups and I was reading a post where a gentleman was commenting on how he was in love, but he just felt so incredibly lucky that someone could love him with everything that comes along with dealing with spinal...
Aug 24, 2018 | Before the Accident, Family, Lessons Learned, Misc, Sex + Dating, Spinal Cord Injury
… I was staring at a blank page while thinking how to write the perfect article on how I got engaged this past weekend. My mind kept wandering back to when I was first injured in 2010 laying in my ICU bed with tubes coming out of every orifice of my body, a neck...
Jul 25, 2018 | Before the Accident, Family, Lessons Learned, Medical, Spinal Cord Injury, Uncategorized
When we are growing up we are faced with all kinds of choices a consequences and as children that we are blissfully unaware of. Do we want a cookie or a doughnut? If we finish our vegetables then we get dessert; if we go to bed early than mommy...
Apr 9, 2018 | Before the Accident, Funnies, Lessons Learned, Misc, Sex + Dating, Uncategorized
I mean really, who doesn’t love sex? I suppose it is one of those taboo topics that you don’t talk about at the dinner table like politics or money, but it is such a natural act – I’m not quite sure why we are so weary to talk about the subject publicly. Before...
Mar 15, 2018 | Before the Accident, Lessons Learned, Misc, Uncategorized
The Viking Adventure As I wrote about in my previous blog our instructors did not let us know what adventure we would be partaking in until several hours before we headed out on an adventure. One of our first endeavors was taking a several day trip in these large...