Recently my husband and I took a week long vacation to visit a friend in Florida. I distinctly remember one day when he was helping me with all of my bathroom duties, getting my swimsuit on, lifting me up from a very low surface bed (killing his back), lifting me into the pool, showering me by the pool, helping me with my makeup, straightening my hair, and then cleaning up. These are just a few of the things he’d helped me with that day, but the list really does go on.
The numerous amount of small things I need help with in a day seem endless whether that be filling my water bottle, fixing my feet on my wheelchair, grabbing my legs as I have uncontrollable spasticity, getting me in bed when my pain is through the roof, etc.
The day came and went, and as I was hanging out with my girlfriend I rolled back into the bedroom to find him sprawled out on the bed. He was just tired – I mean how could he not be? He was taking care of his quadriplegic wife 24/7 for 8 straight days. I remember thinking how guilty I felt for being such a burden, but not once did he make me feel that way. These are my own demons I battle with as a quadriplegic because I need full-time help every day – all day.
Read the rest on Push Living Magazine to see how we make it work as a couple!