Since I was 13 years old exercise, working out, and sports have always been a centerpiece in my life.  Whether I was having a bad day, stressed out, simply wanted to stay in shape to fit in a bikini or just generally tried to be healthy I was always able to exercise.

When I was exercising I would enter this Zen like state where I was in my own space and no one else could bother me.  After my accident I simply didn’t know how I was going to continue to exercise as a C6 quadriplegic, paralyzed from the chest down with some arm movement, and no hand function.


  1. How could I create a workout routine at home that would require minimal help from caregivers other than helping to set me up?
  2. What kind of equipment could I use that was not outrageously expensive so I could share it with fellow quadriplegics?
  3. How could I create a program that was sustainable in the long run just like going to the gym or working out to a DVD at home when you’re able-bodied?

Over the years I’ve perfected my own exercise routine based on my needs and what I can physically do.  Many of the suggestions and equipment I mention below apply to all spinal cord injury folks, but more specifically to quadriplegics who have limited use of their hands and arms.  Exercise is even more important for those of us who have very limited mobility, but it is possible, doable, and I can prove it

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