A dear friend of mine writes for many magazines and wrote a beautiful piece over the last several months on my life, but what I think was very different as compared to many profile pieces was a night out on the town with me.
I fitted Billy up for a power wheelchair and taped his hands up as a quadriplegic with little “paws” like mine for a night as we went bouncing around town and dancing at the Dueling Pianos Bar.
In no world would I be able to simulate what it would be like to be a quadriplegic for the day, but at the very least, I wanted Billy to get a different perspective on life for eight hours.
I won’t spoil it because he is such a talented and brilliant writer — you get life from his perspective as an able-bodied person.
He also wrote a beautiful and wacky piece on my life.
Part 1 – New Heights
Part 2: A Night on Wheels