Aug 24, 2022 | Advocacy, Funnies, Lessons Learned, Misc, Sex + Dating, Spinal Cord Injury, Uncategorized
Working with Wheel:Life on part two of Dating with a disability. Such an honor to work with a great team. “Getting Intimate Five years after Ali’s shallow water diving accident that left her paralyzed from the chest down with limited hand mobility, she went on a...
Feb 18, 2022 | Advocacy, Before the Accident, Family, Featured Posts, Funnies, Lessons Learned, Medical, Misc, Sex + Dating, Spinal Cord Injury, Uncategorized
YOUTUBE CHANNEL LINK: This has been a project near and dear to my heart that I have been working on for the better part of a year, but projects have just been popping up left and there never really seemed to be a right time to...