Nov 13, 2023 | Advocacy, Lessons Learned, Medical, Misc, Professional, Spinal Cord Injury, Uncategorized
Despite my quirky exterior and rosy attitude as many seem to comment on, I, too, really struggle at times. Honestly, who doesn’t? It’s human nature.Many of you know my life’s purpose and mission is to help other humans in a range of different capacities, but...
Sep 12, 2023 | Advocacy, Before the Accident, Lessons Learned, Medical, Professional, Spinal Cord Injury, Uncategorized
Many of you may not know this, but I spent the first 7 years after my accident in and out of hospitals with multiple surgeries including multiple life-threatening pressure sores, spinal cysts, pulmonary embolism’s, hyperthyroidism, osteoporosis, cervical cancer,...